Tungsten Vs. Lead Weights: What’s the Difference?

Tungsten Vs. Lead Weights: What’s the Difference?

The biggest difference between tungsten and lead weights is their density. Tungsten weights are denser than lead which allows them to pack more weight in a smaller package. The higher density also allows tungsten to transfer more vibration up to the angler so they better know what’s happening at the end of their line. The other major difference is tungsten weights are more expensive than lead.


Advantages of Lead Weights

The advantage of lead weights is their cheaper cost. On average, lead weights are 32% cheaper than tungsten weights. This discount really adds up when you get hung up and break off often. Weights get lost and the replacement cost can really add up over time.

Are lead weights safe?

Lead weights are safe for humans to handle but have a negative impact on the environment. The main threat from lead weights is to waterfowl. Waterfowl often eat pieces of lead weights by mistaking them for seeds. These pieces break down into their bloodstream and can cause lead poisoning.

What’s Better Tungsten or Lead Weights?

Tungsten weights are better for fishing than lead. The only advantage lead weights have is the lower cost. If the advantages of tungsten are worth the higher cost will vary from person to person.

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