Amapuleti e-Tungsten e-collimator
Tungsten heavy alloys are ideal for high-density applications or for use in radiation shielding. Heavy metal tungsten alloys are 90% to 97% pure tungsten in a matrix of nickel/copper or nickel/iron. we can custom machine any alloys to finished parts according to your specifications.
Usayizi Ongawenza ngokwezifiso i-astm 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife tungsten heavy alloy Strip plate
Usayizi Ongawenza ngokwezifiso i-astm 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife tungsten heavy alloy Strip plate
Ama-alloys esindayo e-Tungsten alungele ukusetshenziswa kokuminyana okuphezulu noma ukusetshenziswa ekuvikeleni imisebe. Ama-tungsten ensimbi esindayo angama-90% kuya ku-97% e-tungsten ehlanzekile ku-matrix ye-nickel/ithusi noma ye-nickel/iron. singakwazi umshini ngokwezifiso noma yimaphi ama-alloys ezingxenyeni eziphelile ngokusho kokucaciswa kwakho.