Plak tengstèn pou kolimatè
Tungsten heavy alloys are ideal for high-density applications or for use in radiation shielding. Heavy metal tungsten alloys are 90% to 97% pure tungsten in a matrix of nickel/copper or nickel/iron. we can custom machine any alloys to finished parts according to your specifications.
Gwosè personnalisable astm 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife tengstèn alyaj lou plak teren
Gwosè personnalisable astm 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife tengstèn alyaj lou plak teren
Tengstèn alyaj lou yo ideyal pou aplikasyon pou gwo dansite oswa pou itilize nan pwoteksyon radyasyon. Gwo alyaj tungstène metal yo se 90% a 97% tungstène pi nan yon matris nikèl / kwiv oswa nikèl / fè. nou ka koutim machin nenpòt alyaj nan pati fini dapre espesifikasyon ou yo.