Wholesale High density tungsten barrel weights tungsten barrel fishing weights
Barrel Shape: Tungsten Barrel Weights offer next-level performance and allows anglers to feel absolutely
everything that your weight comes into contact with. Molded with a barrel shape that is ideal for crawling
over structure.
Made of Tungsten: Our Tungsten Barrel Weights are made from pure tungsten, which is much smaller and
denser than lead or brass to provide a more compact profile and increased sensitivity.
Make louder voice: Tungsten Barrel Weights are also much louder with they bang against rocks and structure,
which adds an element of acoustic attraction to your Carolina-rig.
Durable and Resistant: The Tungsten Sinkers are Finished with a durable powder paint that makes them
chip resistant, Tungsten Barrel Weights are a must-have for die-hard Carolina riggers.
Por que elixirnos:
1. Podes obter o material perfecto segundo a túa esixencia ao menor prezo posible.
2. Tamén ofrecemos Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF e prezos de entrega porta a porta. Suxerímosche que fagas un trato para o envío que será bastante económico.
3. Os materiais que ofrecemos son completamente verificables, dende o certificado de proba de materia prima ata a declaración dimensional final. (Os informes mostraranse segundo o requirimento)
4. Garantía de dar unha resposta en 24 horas (normalmente na mesma hora)
5. Podes obter alternativas de stock, entregas de muíños minimizando o tempo de fabricación.
6. Estamos totalmente dedicados aos nosos clientes. Se non é posible cumprir os teus requisitos despois de examinar todas as opcións, non te enganaremos facendo promesas falsas que crearán boas relacións cos clientes.
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