• Custom Tungsten Nickel Iron tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu with high purity polishing surface
  • Custom Tungsten Nickel Iron tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu with high purity polishing surface
  • Custom Tungsten Nickel Iron tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu with high purity polishing surface
  • Custom Tungsten Nickel Iron tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu with high purity polishing surface

Custom Tungsten Nickel Iron tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu with high purity polishing surface

  • Material: tungsten
  • Specification : as customer's demand
  • Density: 17-18.5 g/cm3
  • Application : Metallizing, Electron-beam Spraying, sinteting or heating

Tungsten Nickel Iron tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu high purity polishing surface

1.Product description:


Product overview:

ItemTungsten Nickel Iron tungsten alloy bar rod 
Shapebars/flat plates/stips/rods
Sizeas customer's demand 
Grade99.95% pure tungsten
StandardASTM B760
Featurehigh temperature resistance, high intensity, etc
ApplicationOrnament,decoration,Balance weight,desktop,gift,target,Military industry
Lead time1 week for stocked size and small quantity

20-30days for customized size and large quantity


1.Tungsten heavy alloys are of high density, high strength and good conductivity thermal characteristics; 

2.The properties of high density tungsten base alloy help to reduce the processing temperature, simplify the production process and improve the alloy plasticity and processing performance; 

3.In terms of engineering materials, tungsten heavy alloy is much easier to conduct than pure tungsten because of its better mechanical property.

2. Applications:

  Tungsten heavy alloys are mainly applied in aerospace industry, damping devices, conventional weapons, radiation shielding devices and parts; 

  They are also used for die mold in machinery manufacturing, flywheel and automatic watch pendulum; 

  They're also adopted in electrical equipment contacts and electrodes, etc.

Tungsten Nickel Iron rod tungsten heavy alloy bar rod WNIFe WNICu high purity polishing surface

3.Our Other products:

Pure tungsten plate 99.95% tungsten sheet ASTM B760 alloy for sapphire growth furnace

Carson a thaghas sinn sinn:

1. Gheibh thu an stuth foirfe a rèir do riatanas aig a 'phrìs as lugha a tha comasach.

2. Bidh sinn cuideachd a 'tairgse Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, agus prìsean lìbhrigidh doras gu doras. Tha sinn a’ moladh dhut cùmhnant a dhèanamh airson luingearachd a bhios gu math eaconamach.

3. Tha na stuthan a bheir sinn seachad gu tur dearbhach, dìreach bho theisteanas deuchainn stuthan amh chun an aithris mu dheireadh meud.

4. gealltanas freagairt a thoirt seachad taobh a-staigh 24 uairean (mar as trice anns an aon uair)

5. Gheibh thu roghainnean stoc eile, lìbhrigeadh muilne le bhith a 'lùghdachadh ùine saothrachaidh.

6. Tha sinn gu tur coisrigte don luchd-ceannach againn. Mura h-urrainn dhuinn na riatanasan agad a choileanadh às deidh sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air a h-uile roghainn, cha bhith sinn gad mhealladh le bhith a’ dèanamh gheallaidhean meallta a chruthaicheas deagh dhàimhean teachdaiche.

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