Plataichean tungsten airson collimator
Tungsten heavy alloys are ideal for high-density applications or for use in radiation shielding. Heavy metal tungsten alloys are 90% to 97% pure tungsten in a matrix of nickel/copper or nickel/iron. we can custom machine any alloys to finished parts according to your specifications.
Meud Customizable astm 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife tungsten alloy trom truinnsear stiall
Meud Customizable astm 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife tungsten alloy trom truinnsear stiall
Tha aloidhean trom tungstain air leth freagarrach airson tagraidhean àrd-dùmhlachd no airson an cleachdadh ann an dìon rèididheachd. Is e aloidhean tungsten meatailt trom 90% gu 97% tungsten fìor-ghlan ann am matrix de nicil / copar no nicil / iarann. is urrainn dhuinn aloidhean sam bith a ghnàthachadh gu pàirtean crìochnaichte a rèir do shònrachaidhean.