• Wholesale High Temperature Sinter Tungsten Melting Crucible for Laboratory
  • Wholesale High Temperature Sinter Tungsten Melting Crucible for Laboratory
  • Wholesale High Temperature Sinter Tungsten Melting Crucible for Laboratory
  • Wholesale High Temperature Sinter Tungsten Melting Crucible for Laboratory

Wholesale High Temperature Sinter Tungsten Melting Crucible for Laboratory

99.95% Purity Pure Tungsten Melting Pot tungsten crucible for sapphire growth furnace components tungsten metal suppliers
  • Materials: pure tungsten
  • Density: 18.5g/cm3
  • Applications: High-temperature furnace,glass and crystal producing

Wholesale High Temperature Sinter Tungsten Melting Crucible for Laboratory

Item namew1 pure tungsten smelting crucible / tungsten forging crucible / tungsten melting pot / tungsten crucible tungsten pot tungsten cup
Purity99.95% Pure tungsten 
Working temperature1800-2600℃
ProcessingSintering, Forging, machining
Other materialmolybdenum crucible         tantalum crucible
niobium crucible               nickel crucible
Density1.Sintering tungsten crucible: 18-18.5g/cm3 
 2.Forging tungsten crucible : 18.5-19.2g/cm3
Dimension We can accept customized according to your drawing.
Diameter(mm)Thickness(mm)Height(mm)Surface finishinner surface finishinner bottom finish

General information of tungsten crucible


* High density

* Good corrosion resistance

* The surface roughness of tooled crucibles does not exceed Rz 6.3

* The use temperature below 2600ºC in vacuum or deoxidize atmosphere

* Manufactured based on customers' requirement

Advantages of product:

1. High thermal conductivity

2. High thermal expansion coefficient

3. Great strength under high temperature

4. Anti-friction corrosion resistance

5. Good harden ability.


* Used for sapphire single crystal growth furnace;

* Applied for quartz glass melting furnace;

* Used for rare earth smelting furnace;

* Used for sintering metal mold of high melting point;

* Widely used in other following industries: Ceramics and metallurgical industries, machinery processing and light industries.


1.According to different processing methods, tungsten crucibles for vacuum coating can be mainly divided into sintered molding, press molding, spinning molding, turning forming and welding forming.

2.Turning forming is mainly applied. We recommend the working temperature of the tungsten crucible for vacuum coating should be controlled below 2600℃.

3.We can produce tungsten crucible for vacuum coating according to the customer drawing.

China Manufacture W1 High Temperature Tungsten Crucibles  tungsten melting pot

China Manufacture W1 High Temperature Tungsten Crucibles  tungsten melting pot

China Manufacture W1 High Temperature Tungsten Crucibles  tungsten melting pot

Carson a thaghas sinn sinn:

1. Gheibh thu an stuth foirfe a rèir do riatanas aig a 'phrìs as lugha a tha comasach.

2. Bidh sinn cuideachd a 'tairgse Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, agus prìsean lìbhrigidh doras gu doras. Tha sinn a’ moladh dhut cùmhnant a dhèanamh airson luingearachd a bhios gu math eaconamach.

3. Tha na stuthan a bheir sinn seachad gu tur dearbhach, dìreach bho theisteanas deuchainn stuthan amh chun an aithris mu dheireadh meud.

4. gealltanas freagairt a thoirt seachad taobh a-staigh 24 uairean (mar as trice anns an aon uair)

5. Gheibh thu roghainnean stoc eile, lìbhrigeadh muilne le bhith a 'lùghdachadh ùine saothrachaidh.

6. Tha sinn gu tur coisrigte don luchd-ceannach againn. Mura h-urrainn dhuinn na riatanasan agad a choileanadh às deidh sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air a h-uile roghainn, cha bhith sinn gad mhealladh le bhith a’ dèanamh gheallaidhean meallta a chruthaicheas deagh dhàimhean teachdaiche.

Taisbeanadh factaraidh


Feuch an cuir thu teachdaireachd agus gheibh sinn air ais thugad!
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