Bulk sale 90wnife 93wnife 95wnife 97wnife Tungsten Ball 18g/cc 1.8mm 2mm 2.25mm 2.5mm 99% Tungsten Nickel Iron Alloy Ball
Product description:
Tungsten Alloy metals are mainly including W-Ni-Fe and W-Ni-Cu, are extensively used in military equipment, mechanical manufacturing, aircraft components, medical shields and sports equipment
Our W-Ni-Fe alloy is used in collimator and shielding components to provide protection against X-ray and γ-ray radiation. A product manufactured from tungsten, nickel and copper, is distinctive due to its non-magnetic behavior. This material is used in the places to avoid magnetic interference.
Pure tungsten ball Tungsten steel ball for high specific weight counterweight tungsten nickel iron alloy ball
1. Density: 17.8-18.5g / cm3
2. Composition: tungsten content: 85-99%, tungsten-nickel-iron, tungsten-nickel-copper
3. Surface: sintered, polished surface, polished surface
Counter balance for Vibration Dampening Aircraft control surfaces ;Helicopter rotor Systems Engine components ;Auto racing industry;Ship ballasts;Golf club weights ;
Product sizes:
Product grade:
Specification | ||||
Material | Density ( g/cm3 ) | Tensile Strength ( Mpa) | Elongation ( % ) | HRC |
90W-Ni-Fe | 16.9-17 | 700-1000 | 20-33 | 24-32 |
93W-Ni-Fe | 17.5-17.6 | 100-1000 | 15-25 | 26-30 |
95W-Ni-Fe | 18-18.1 | 700-900 | 8-15 | 25-35 |
97W-Ni-Fe | 18.4-18.5 | 600-800 | 8-14 | 30-35 |
Nima uchun bizni tanlaysiz:
1. Sizning talabingiz bo'yicha mukammal materialni eng kam narxda olishingiz mumkin.
2. Shuningdek, biz Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF va eshikdan eshikgacha etkazib berish narxlarini taklif qilamiz. Sizga yuk tashish bo'yicha shartnoma tuzishni tavsiya qilamiz, bu juda tejamkor bo'ladi.
3. Biz taqdim etayotgan materiallar to'liq tekshirilishi mumkin, xomashyo sinovi sertifikatidan tortib yakuniy o'lchov bayonotigacha (hisobotlar talabga muvofiq ko'rsatiladi)
4. 24 soat ichida javob berish kafolati (odatda bir soat ichida)
5. Siz ishlab chiqarish vaqtini minimallashtirgan holda zaxiralarni, tegirmon yetkazib berishni olishingiz mumkin.
6. Biz to'liq mijozlarimizga bag'ishlanganmiz. Agar barcha variantlarni ko'rib chiqqandan so'ng sizning talablaringizni qondirishning iloji bo'lmasa, biz mijozlar bilan yaxshi munosabatlarni yaratadigan yolg'on va'dalar berib, sizni chalg'itmaymiz.
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