• 1.65 lbs 1.75 lbs 6.0 lbs Tungsten Heavy Metal Bucking Bar for Precision Riveting
  • 1.65 lbs 1.75 lbs 6.0 lbs Tungsten Heavy Metal Bucking Bar for Precision Riveting
  • 1.65 lbs 1.75 lbs 6.0 lbs Tungsten Heavy Metal Bucking Bar for Precision Riveting
  • 1.65 lbs 1.75 lbs 6.0 lbs Tungsten Heavy Metal Bucking Bar for Precision Riveting
  • 1.65 lbs 1.75 lbs 6.0 lbs Tungsten Heavy Metal Bucking Bar for Precision Riveting

1.65 lbs 1.75 lbs 6.0 lbs Tungsten Heavy Metal Bucking Bar for Precision Riveting

WNiFe tungsten alloy bucking bar tungsten heavy alloy bars tungsten manufacturer
  • Materials: Tungsten heavy alloy WNiFe
  • Grade: ASTM B 777-07
  • Features: high density,good wear resistance
  • Applications: for aircraft riveting tools

China Manufacturer Aircraft Tools WNiFe tungsten heavy alloy bucking bars

Product Name
Tungsten Bucking Bar size and type  as per your specification /drawing
Reduce the vibration of bucking.absorb the force of rivet guns
aircraft riveting tools

China Manufacturer WNiFe tungsten alloy bucking bar tungsten heavy alloy bars

China Manufacturer WNiFe tungsten alloy bucking bar tungsten heavy alloy bars

China Manufacturer WNiFe tungsten alloy bucking bar tungsten heavy alloy bars

Product description:

Tungsten heavy alloy, also known as high density tungsten base alloy, is specially made by adopting tungsten as matrix and adding nickel, iron, copper and other metal components in appropriate proportion. In terms of the alloy, tungsten content commonly accounts for 90% and the relative density is above 17g/cm3. 

What's Tungsten Bucking Bar ?

Tungsten Bucking bar is a work tool received behind work surfaces to provide a backing member in applying impact fasteners and including intermitted toolhead and handle parts with a low-recoil impact-absorbing spacer provided there between to take shock loads in compression and shear.

Feature of Tungsten Bucking Bar 

1.Tungsten bucking bars provide increased weight (density) to allow riveting in confined areas.
2.The weight to size ratio provides a good kinetic energy transfer to expedite the rivet installation process.
3.They greatly reduce the vibration caused by driving rivets, thereby reducing or eliminating damage to operator’s hands.

Choose from Chuangde carbide Tungsten Bucking Bar

We carry a full line of standard bars and can custom build bars to your specifications.  All bars have smooth faces and rounded edges and corners for ease and safety in handling.

Grade of bucking bar

China Manufacturer WNiFe tungsten alloy bucking bar tungsten heavy alloy bars


WNiFe tungsten alloy bucking bar tungsten heavy alloy bars

Nima uchun bizni tanlaysiz:

1. Sizning talabingiz bo'yicha mukammal materialni eng kam narxda olishingiz mumkin.

2. Shuningdek, biz Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF va eshikdan eshikgacha etkazib berish narxlarini taklif qilamiz. Sizga yuk tashish bo'yicha shartnoma tuzishni tavsiya qilamiz, bu juda tejamkor bo'ladi.

3. Biz taqdim etayotgan materiallar to'liq tekshirilishi mumkin, xomashyo sinovi sertifikatidan tortib yakuniy o'lchov bayonotigacha (hisobotlar talabga muvofiq ko'rsatiladi)

4. 24 soat ichida javob berish kafolati (odatda bir soat ichida)

5. Siz ishlab chiqarish vaqtini minimallashtirgan holda zaxiralarni, tegirmon yetkazib berishni olishingiz mumkin.

6. Biz to'liq mijozlarimizga bag'ishlanganmiz. Agar barcha variantlarni ko'rib chiqqandan so'ng sizning talablaringizni qondirishning iloji bo'lmasa, biz mijozlar bilan yaxshi munosabatlarni yaratadigan yolg'on va'dalar berib, sizni chalg'itmaymiz.

Zavod displeyi


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