China Manufacturer Aircraft Tools WNiFe tungsten heavy alloy bucking bars
Product description:
Tungsten heavy alloy, also known as high density tungsten base alloy, is specially made by adopting tungsten as matrix and adding nickel, iron, copper and other metal components in appropriate proportion. In terms of the alloy, tungsten content commonly accounts for 90% and the relative density is above 17g/cm3.
What's Tungsten Bucking Bar ?
Tungsten Bucking bar is a work tool received behind work surfaces to provide a backing member in applying impact fasteners and including intermitted toolhead and handle parts with a low-recoil impact-absorbing spacer provided there between to take shock loads in compression and shear.
Feature of Tungsten Bucking Bar
1.Tungsten bucking bars provide increased weight (density) to allow riveting in confined areas.
2.The weight to size ratio provides a good kinetic energy transfer to expedite the rivet installation process.
3.They greatly reduce the vibration caused by driving rivets, thereby reducing or eliminating damage to operator’s hands.
Choose from Chuangde carbide Tungsten Bucking Bar
We carry a full line of standard bars and can custom build bars to your specifications. All bars have smooth faces and rounded edges and corners for ease and safety in handling.
Grade of bucking bar
Kwa nini Utuchague:
1. Unaweza kupata nyenzo kamili kulingana na mahitaji yako kwa angalau bei iwezekanavyo.
2. Pia tunatoa Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, na bei za utoaji wa mlango hadi mlango. Tunapendekeza ufanye biashara ya usafirishaji ambayo itakuwa ya kiuchumi kabisa.
3. Nyenzo tunazotoa zinaweza kuthibitishwa kabisa, kuanzia cheti cha mtihani wa malighafi hadi taarifa ya mwisho ya kipimo. (Ripoti zitaonyeshwa kwa mahitaji)
4. hakikisha kutoa jibu ndani ya masaa 24(kawaida katika saa moja)
5. Unaweza kupata njia mbadala za hisa, utoaji wa kinu na kupunguza muda wa utengenezaji.
6. Tumejitolea kikamilifu kwa wateja wetu. Ikiwa haitawezekana kukidhi mahitaji yako baada ya kuchunguza chaguo zote, hatutakupotosha kwa kutoa ahadi za uongo ambazo zitaunda mahusiano mazuri ya wateja.
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