• Pinewood Derby tungsten cylinder tungsten buffer weights
  • Pinewood Derby tungsten cylinder tungsten buffer weights

Pinewood Derby tungsten cylinder tungsten buffer weights

Pinewood Derby tungsten cylinder tungsten buffer weights
  • Materials: W97NiFe
  • Density: 18.5g/cm3
  • Applications: counterweights
  • Material:ASTM B777 CLASS1, CLASS 2, CLASS 3, CLASS 4

Product Description:

pinewood derby barrel bar weights tungsten cylinder
round shape bar rod
WNiFe ,WNiCu
black, polished, sintering, forging, maching
Weight & Height
(1/16 oz. & 0.05" ) (1/8 oz.& 0.11") (3/16 oz.& 0.18" ) (1/4 oz. & 0.22" ) (1/2 oz.& 0.44")
90wnife(90wnicu), 93wnife(93wnicu), 95wnife(95wnicu), 97wnife(97wnicu)
Welcome OEM&ODM.The size and purity can be customized as requiremets.

Tungsten cylinder for balance weight

18g/cc tungsten for balance weight
1.High resistance to radiation
2.High ultimate tensile strength
3.High temperature resistance
4. Deep processing property significantly increased
5. Weldability and oxidation resistance greatly enhanced
6.Yield increase and cost reduction

1. automobile and vehicle weight balance
2.pinewood derby car counterweigt
3. oil drilling machine counterweigt
4.ship weights and counterweight

Factory direct sale Pinewood Derby Balance Weights Tungsten Alloy Cylinders

Factory direct sale Pinewood Derby Balance Weights Tungsten Alloy Cylinders

Factory direct sale Pinewood Derby Balance Weights Tungsten Alloy Cylinders

Our Grade:


HardnessUltimate Tensile
Yield Strength

Tungsten  %Nickel %Iron %

497WN iFe972.20.818.45-18.85356895172


Counter balance for Vibration Dampening

Aircraft control surfaces ;Helicopter rotor Systems

Engine components ;Auto racing industry;Ship ballasts;Golf club weights ;

Heavy nickel iron metal Crankshaft balance weights ASTM B777 W97NiFe 18.5g/cm3 tungsten heavy alloy rod

Factory direct sale Pinewood Derby Balance Weights Tungsten Alloy Cylinders

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1. Anjeun bisa meunangkeun bahan sampurna nurutkeun sarat Anjeun di harga sahenteuna mungkin.

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