Tungsten ball Tungsten Nickel Iron Alloy Ball for Counterweights
Product description:
Tungsten Alloy metals are mainly including W-Ni-Fe and W-Ni-Cu, are extensively used in military equipment, mechanical manufacturing, aircraft components, medical shields and sports equipment
Our W-Ni-Fe alloy is used in collimator and shielding components to provide protection against X-ray and γ-ray radiation. A product manufactured from tungsten, nickel and copper, is distinctive due to its non-magnetic behavior. This material is used in the places to avoid magnetic interference.
Product sizes:
Size ( mm ) | Weight(g) | Size Tolerance ( mm ) |
2.0mm | 0.075 | 1.98-2.02 |
2.5mm | 0.147 | 2.48-2.52 |
2.8mm | 0.207 | 2.78-2.82 |
3.0mm | 0.254 | 2.97-3.03 |
3.5mm | 0.404 | 3.47-3.53 |
4.0mm | 0.603 | 3.96-4.04 |
5.0mm | 1.176 | 4.95-5.05 |
........ | .......... | ......... |
Product grade:
Composition | 90%W | 93%W | 95%W | 97%W | ||||||
State | Sinter | Vacuum | Forge | Sinter | Vacuum | Forge | Sinter | Vacuum | Sinter | Vacuum |
Density(g/cc) | 16.85-17.25 | 17.15-17.85 | 17.75-18.35 | 18.25-18.85 | ||||||
Hardness(HRC) | 32Max | 30Max | 40Min | 33Max | 31Max | 40Min | 34Max | 32Max | 35Max | 33Max |
Tensile Strength (Max) | 770Min | 900Min | 1400Max | 770Min | 910Min | 1440Max | 735Min | 920Min | 700Min | 850Min |
Yield Strength(Mpa) | 620Min | 620Min | 1280Max | 650Min | 650Min | 1340Max | 650Min | 650Min | - | - |
Elongation(%) | 5Min | 15Min | 5Min | 5Min | 12Min | 3Min | 3Min | 12Min | 2Min | 6Min |
1. Tungsten alloy sphere is very dense and small in volume, which means it can be used in fields requiring small but heavy parts.
2. Counterweights in golf clubs, fishing weights, counterweights for military defense,equipment, counterweights, prefabricated fragments, oil logging.
3. Also some fields in precision industry, such as mobile phone vibrator, clock cube, self-winding watches, anti-vibration toll holders, flywheel weihts, etc.
our other products:
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