Product Description:
Tungsten cylinder for balance weight
18g/cc tungsten for balance weight
1.High resistance to radiation
2.High ultimate tensile strength
3.High temperature resistance
4. Deep processing property significantly increased
5. Weldability and oxidation resistance greatly enhanced
6.Yield increase and cost reduction
1. automobile and vehicle weight balance
2.pinewood derby car counterweigt
3. oil drilling machine counterweigt
4.ship weights and counterweight
Our Grade:
ASTM B777 Class | G/BT Grade | Component | Density g/cm3 | Hardness | Ultimate Tensile Strength(Mpa) | Yield Strength (Mpa) | Elongation % | ||
Tungsten % | Nickel % | Iron % | |||||||
1 | 90WNiFe | 90 | 7.1 | 2.9 | 16.95-17.25 | 32 | 758 | 517 | 5 |
2 | 92.5WNiFe | 92.5 | 5 | 2.5 | 17.45-17.85 | 33 | 758 | 517 | 5 |
3 | 95WNiFe | 95 | 3.5 | 1.5 | 17.95-18.35 | 34 | 724 | 517 | 3 |
4 | 97WN iFe | 97 | 2.2 | 0.8 | 18.45-18.85 | 35 | 689 | 517 | 2 |
Counter balance for Vibration Dampening
Aircraft control surfaces ;Helicopter rotor Systems
Engine components ;Auto racing industry;Ship ballasts;Golf club weights ;
Għaliex Agħżilna:
1. Tista 'tikseb il-materjal perfett skond il-ħtieġa tiegħek bl-inqas prezz possibbli.
2. Noffru wkoll Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, u prezzijiet tal-kunsinna bieb bieb. Nissuġġerixxu li tagħmel ftehim għat-tbaħħir li se jkun pjuttost ekonomiku.
3. Il-materjali li nipprovdu huma kompletament verifikabbli, sa minn ċertifikat tat-test tal-materja prima sad-dikjarazzjoni dimensjonali finali. (Ir-rapporti se juru fuq il-ħtieġa)
4. garanzija li tagħti tweġiba fi żmien 24 siegħa (ġeneralment fl-istess siegħa)
5. Tista 'tikseb alternattivi ta' stokk, kunsinni tal-mitħna b'minimizzazzjoni tal-ħin tal-manifattura.
6. Aħna ddedikati bis-sħiħ lill-klijenti tagħna. Jekk ma jkunx possibbli li tissodisfa r-rekwiżiti tiegħek wara li neżaminaw l-għażliet kollha, aħna mhux se nqarrquk billi nagħmlu wegħdiet foloz li joħolqu relazzjonijiet tajba mal-klijenti.
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