• Factory Custom 1
  • Factory Custom 1

Factory Custom 1

High Hardness And Wear Resistance Tungsten Block Tungsten Cube
  • Materials: pure tungsten
  • Density: 19.2g/cm3
  • Size: Minimum size: 3*3*3mm Maximum size:customized
  • Applications: Ornament, decoration, Balance weight, desktop, gift, target, Military industry, and so on

Custom Pure Tungsten Cube  High HardnessTungsten Block  Wear Resistance Tungsten Block 

Popular size: Accepts custom sizes, high purity tungsten cube (99.95%Tungsten)

1 inch cube: 25.4*25.4*25.4mm 296g/pcs


1.5 inches cube: 38.1*38.1*38.1mm 1kg/pcs


2 inches cube: 50.8*50.8*50.8mm 2.5kg/pcs

2.5inches cube: 63.5*63.5*63.5mm 4.74kg/pcs

Product description:

High Hardness And Wear Resistance Tungsten Block Tungsten Cube

Custom Pure Tungsten Cube  High HardnessTungsten Block  Wear Resistance Tungsten Block 2.5

1. The highest melting point of all metals , relatively stable chemical properties
2. Excellent resistance to electrochemical corrosion , not easily corroded by air .
3. High wearability ,High hardness, high density.
4. Good high temperature strength.
5. Good electron emission properties .
6. Mechanical properties mainly determined by the pressure processing and heat treatment process status. 1kg Tungsten cube


1.Tungsten cube is widely used for Ornament, decoration, gift, Balance weight, collection, target, Military industry, and so on;
2.Birthdays, special days, anniversaries, it can be as a gift for your colleagues, wife, husband, friends, they will be Surprise with the cube's weight,small volume and large weight.
3.Pure tugnsten or tugnsten alloy cube 1kg also can be for your desktop or coffee table.

High Hardness And Wear Resistance Tungsten Block Tungsten Cube

High Hardness And Wear Resistance Tungsten Block Tungsten Cube

Għaliex Agħżilna:

1. Tista 'tikseb il-materjal perfett skond il-ħtieġa tiegħek bl-inqas prezz possibbli.

2. Noffru wkoll Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, u prezzijiet tal-kunsinna bieb bieb. Nissuġġerixxu li tagħmel ftehim għat-tbaħħir li se jkun pjuttost ekonomiku.

3. Il-materjali li nipprovdu huma kompletament verifikabbli, sa minn ċertifikat tat-test tal-materja prima sad-dikjarazzjoni dimensjonali finali. (Ir-rapporti se juru fuq il-ħtieġa)

4. garanzija li tagħti tweġiba fi żmien 24 siegħa (ġeneralment fl-istess siegħa)

5. Tista 'tikseb alternattivi ta' stokk, kunsinni tal-mitħna b'minimizzazzjoni tal-ħin tal-manifattura.

6. Aħna ddedikati bis-sħiħ lill-klijenti tagħna. Jekk ma jkunx possibbli li tissodisfa r-rekwiżiti tiegħek wara li neżaminaw l-għażliet kollha, aħna mhux se nqarrquk billi nagħmlu wegħdiet foloz li joħolqu relazzjonijiet tajba mal-klijenti.

Wirja tal-fabbrika


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High Hardness And Wear Resistance Tungsten Block Tungsten Cube
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