• Factory custom W70 W75 W80 W85 tungsten copper rod high conductive tungsten copper alloy rod bar
  • Factory custom W70 W75 W80 W85 tungsten copper rod high conductive tungsten copper alloy rod bar
  • Factory custom W70 W75 W80 W85 tungsten copper rod high conductive tungsten copper alloy rod bar
  • Factory custom W70 W75 W80 W85 tungsten copper rod high conductive tungsten copper alloy rod bar

Factory custom W70 W75 W80 W85 tungsten copper rod high conductive tungsten copper alloy rod bar

  • Product name:tungsten copper electrodes
  • Chemical Composition:W 70-85%
  • Grade:W85Cu15/W80Cu20/W75Cu25/W70Cu30
  • Application:resistance welding electrodes

product use

Tungsten copper alloy has some advantages of tungsten and copper, high temperature resistance, arc ablation resistance, high strength, significant ratio, good electrical and thermal conductivity, small thermal expansion, easy cutting processing, and sweat cooling properties.

Widely used in welding electrodes, circuit breaker arc contacts and vacuum contacts, EDM electrodes, high temperature resistant materials, high voltage switches, microelectronics materials, as parts and components are widely used in aerospace, general air, electronics, electricity, metallurgy, machinery, sports equipment and other industries.

tungsten copper advantage
● Mature process control of pressing, winding and solubilizing
● No holes inside the product
● The internal organization is very smooth
● Plastic, easy to process
● High electrical conductivity, high metal removal rate (i.e. very fast electrical machining speed)
● High barrier, long service life

● High density, high finish of the die surface

applied range
● High density, high finish of the die surface
● Cathode welding electrode material
● Medium and high pressure contactors
● Cathode welding electrode material
● High temperature resistant accessories

●Product Properties

W70 W75 W80 W85 tungsten copper rod high conductive tungsten copper alloy rod - 副本

Hoekom ons kies:

1. Jy kan die perfekte materiaal volgens jou vereiste teen die minste moontlike prys kry.

2. Ons bied ook Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, en deur tot deur afleweringspryse. Ons stel voor dat u 'n transaksie doen vir versending wat redelik ekonomies sal wees.

3. Die materiaal wat ons verskaf is heeltemal verifieerbaar, reg van grondstoftoetssertifikaat tot die finale dimensionele verklaring.(Verslae sal op vereiste wys)

4. waarborg om binne 24 uur 'n antwoord te gee (gewoonlik in dieselfde uur)

5. Jy kan voorraadalternatiewe kry, meulaflewerings met die minimalisering van vervaardigingstyd.

6. Ons is ten volle toegewyd aan ons kliënte. As dit nie moontlik sal wees om aan u vereistes te voldoen nadat u alle opsies ondersoek het nie, sal ons u nie mislei deur valse beloftes te maak wat goeie kliënteverhoudings sal skep nie.




Stuur 'n boodskap en ons sal terugkom na jou toe!
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